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Eutalloy® RW 12999 powder

Excellent resistance to high-pressure abrasion.

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Eutalloy® RW 12999 powder

Excellent resistance to high-pressure abrasion.
Alloy powder for anti-wear protective coatings on steel, stainless steel, cast iron and nickel alloy parts. Features and benefits
  • High density of very hard Diamax phases.
  • Good resistance to erosion, cavitation and corrosion.
  • Applied by spraying with subsequent fusion-process, using CastoDyn DS 8000 torches.


Alloy powder for anti-wear protective coatings on steel, stainless steel, cast iron and nickel alloy parts. Features and benefits
  • High density of very hard Diamax phases.
  • Good resistance to erosion, cavitation and corrosion.
  • Applied by spraying with subsequent fusion-process, using CastoDyn DS 8000 torches.


Applications include fan blades, mixers, conveyor screws, plus guide and tension rollers.

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Technická Data

Service temperature (max)
Deposit Hardness
~780 HV30
Hardness (hard phases)
~1500 HV30

Castolin Eutectic

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