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Solution 103

Thermal spray masking compound.

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Solution 103

Thermal spray masking compound.
Solution 103 is a a paint-on masking solution for the protection of surfaces in most joining and coating applications. It should be used adjacent to the area being coated. Washes off with water. Prevents adhesion of coating to adjacent surfaces during application of Eutectic Castolin thermal spray alloys. Solution 103 is used to prevent the cohesion of particles from welding or spraying processes as well as acts as a stop-off agent in brazing efforts. The barrier formed with application is effective in reducing time and effort spent in cleaning and any undesirable effects spatter may have on the surrounding metal.


Solution 103 is a a paint-on masking solution for the protection of surfaces in most joining and coating applications. It should be used adjacent to the area being coated. Washes off with water. Prevents adhesion of coating to adjacent surfaces during application of Eutectic Castolin thermal spray alloys. Solution 103 is used to prevent the cohesion of particles from welding or spraying processes as well as acts as a stop-off agent in brazing efforts. The barrier formed with application is effective in reducing time and effort spent in cleaning and any undesirable effects spatter may have on the surrounding metal.


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