Castolin Eutectic presents anti-aging Boiler Formula at POWER-GEN 2012

Castolin Eutectic participated in the 20th POWER-GEN Europe conference and exhibition from 12 to 15 June in Cologne. For over 13,000 attendees, we presented our repair and wear protection technologies, as well as our forward-thinking solutions to combat boiler tubes erosion and corrosion.
Our preventive maintenance on boilers can double and even triple their service life. When your boiler components are too large to be moved, our Castolin Services experts intervene promptly at your premises to solve the problem on-site. Such maintenance challenges are daily undertaken by our technicians, with 80% being on-site repairs and 20% repairs in our workshops.
Highly adaptable, our specialists have worked on a broad range of boiler designs for more than 20 years throughout the world. From pulverized fuel fired boilers to fluidized bed boilers, we have also been successful in supplying boiler manufacturers with new OEM parts produced on a regular basis with the unique Castolin Eutectic protective coatings.